Friday, January 9, 2009


Ok, I need to vent before I'm going to go insane. Al Gore is currently in the kitchen cooking us dinner. I am down at his place. So we go to Costco and then to Giant for dinner stuff well really food stuff for this weekend in general. So for some reason he starts into why he's not into commitment and how he has done it in the past and it hasn't worked out and then him and whomever go their separate ways and then never talk to each other and end up angry.

Ok.. WHAT THE FUCK!?! Him and I do everything together that a "couple" does. We stay over at each other's houses. We hold hands in public. We hold hands in the car. We kiss. HE SAYS HE LOVES ME! I say it back. We make plans for the future like weekend plans a few weeks ahead. We got each other Christmas gifts. He was with me over Thanksgiving and Christmas. He has called me his girlfriend to a couple of people including my sister.

What the fuck is his issue? Apparently he was able to commit to his last girlfriend and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that. The last girlfriend was just over a year ago. Like what the fuck? I am honestly, NO we are honestly fucking spectacular together.

I am about to go off so I had to write this. I'm sure I'm going to bring it up. As soon as that conversation was over I was all quiet. We had a hot dog at Costco and he says, "I think that hot dog messed us both up." Then he'll ask about "am I ok? Is everything alright? Are you alright?" No fuckface. I am not ok. I am about to dump your ass b/c you can't fucking commit. You can't see what a fucking wonderful couple we would make. But you know what? You won't know b/c it'll never happen. I'm about to leave and tell you to take your fucked up fear of commitment which apparently just shows up with me and go fuck yourself.

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