Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rain falling down / is it worth it

Is anything worth it? I mean really. I had an accident in the pouring rain and I am terrified of driving in the rain. I drive a highway where there are tons of trucks every day. It is interstate 81 in PA. It is insane for truck traffic. Was it worth it for me to want to get to Al gore quicker and to be driving in the rain that I did, thus causing my accident? I did not nor do I not ever blame him for my accident. However, that being said, it happened and it was awful. But was it worth it?

I sit here, in my room making CD's so that I can listen to them in the car ride down to see him this weekend. Is it worth it? What I sacrifice.. is it worth what i gain? At some point in the future he will leave me. To that i am positive. So is it worth my time and effort now when I know it will end? Even if he doesn't leave me, everything always comes to an end. I mean relationship wise.

It is scary to put your trust into someone. It is also equally as scary when you don't love yourself enough and you want to be with someone that makes you feel good so you settle. Will it be worth it?

Is it worth it?
Is it worth my cries of pain?
Is it worth the sacrifice of myself that I give you?
Is it worth it?
Is any of it worth it?
When you leave me, will this all be worth it?
What have I learned?
Will I take what I have learned with me?
Will I blame you?
Is it worth it?

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