Tuesday, October 7, 2008

TMI Tuesday

7 Virtues

1. Prudence: When do you feel it is most important to exercise prudence?
This is Dictionary.com's version of what prudence is...
1. the quality or fact of being prudent.
2. caution with regard to practical matters; discretion.
3. regard for one's own interests.
4. provident care in the management of resources; economy; frugality.

I would like to think that, here at work, I do use prudence when I am trying to figure out why everyone is so stupid here. Lol.. no really, I have used prudence around Al Gore for months now. I don't like to share my personal life with too many people for a few reasons. One of which is because it's my business and no one needs to know about it. Also, I really didn't know what has been going on with him. I needed to watch out for myself and my heart.

2. Justice: Is a sense of justice really a virtue, or is only a tool that allows us to pass judgment on others without feeling guilty? What do you feel is the greatest injustice facing the world today?
Wow... the greatest injustice in the world today? God that is way too broad for me to even start. This is going to be totally selfish but I am fine admitted to it. I am sick of the United States being the world's "police force." You are your own country. We are our own country. You let yourselves into that mess, then you get yourself out of it. Such as Darfur. Sure it is extremely upsetting on the genocide that is going on there. However, you are part of a country. You as a country, you deal with it. I don't think that we, as American's, should be responsible for defending everyone and footing the bill for it.

With that being said, I HATE when things are not fair. I don't like when people are abused by the police or abused by the government. That is not fair and there is no justice served there.

3. Temperance: All things in moderation. Should we allow ourselves a few excesses? How well do you restrain yourself when faced with your deepest desires?

Hell yeah we need to allow for a few excesses. I think that if you can not let loose a little bit, no matter what your definition of "letting loose" is, you will just go crazy. How well do I restrain myself? God, not really well. When I am hungry for a certain food I eat it. When I want a new pair of shoes, I go out and find some. When I wanted to do "the nasty" with Al, then I do or at least I try really hard to get him into bed.

4. Courage/Fortitude: How well do you confront fear and uncertainty, or intimidation? Does facing the little things make you as brave as facing the big things?
I confront fear and uncertainty not so well. I am very happy and very secure in what I know, where I live, who I hang around, my job, my family.... I feel that I am adaptable to change. However, I don't really change that often and if I do, I just do things very slowly.
do the little things make me as brave as facing the big things? I'd like to think that by doing little things, by getting over something little, those little victories help you face the larger ones.

5. Faith: Is it important to have faith? How steadfast are you in your core beliefs? Do your core beliefs equate to faith in something?
Wow.. faith huh? I don't really believe in an organized religion. I think that it is all BS. I mean, the bible is basically a made up book, in my opinion. I do have "faith" in people though. I put my trust and my love with some select people. I have "faith" that they are not going to fuck me over. My core believes are a sense of right and wrong and to try to live my life with no regrets.

6. Hope: Does having hope for the future help you deal with the present? How good are you at finding the good in the bad? What is the thing you hope for most?
I don't really think I have or consciously think of hope for my future. I just live my life and make plans and work to make the plans a reality. I would like to think that I'm always trying to find the positive in negative situations.

7. Love/Charity: How easy is it for you to give selfless, unconditional, and voluntary loving-kindness? How easy is it for you to receive selfless, unconditional, and voluntary loving-kindness?
I find myself falling and giving too easily of my heart. As the older I get, the wiser I get and I guess, cold hearted in a way. I won't give my heart of my feelings to anyone and then when I do, it's pretty full bore. It's hard for me to reel back and not give of myself so much.
I also think it is really hard for me to receive unconditional love from someone. I feel that they will take it and use it and destroy me. I just keep waiting for it to happen so sometimes, I think I'm kind of fucked up like that. Placing my love in another's hands and then waiting for them to destroy it.

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