Monday, September 7, 2009


Ok.. so I think I am stuck in a dating "rock and a hard place." I have this man, that i think I love, but really, he's not right for me. I know this. So do you stay with him b/c right now, it's ok, or do you leave because it's not right and you know it's not right?

Here is some background. I moved to DC from about 2 hours away, so it's not a huge drive to get back home. I just don't want to go there. I just started a job and got my first half of a paycheck so I don't have any money saved up. I have a friend that just bought a house, kinda far away, in VA and I'm pretty sure I can rent a room from him.

This man has said to me, point blank, "I am not going to change. I won't change until I think/feel that this is a problem." Ummm.. ok. WTF?

Then again, we did have some pretty good sex last night. Pretty good, but not excellent. I just feel that there is someone out there for me that I can share a partnership with. Right now, no partnership.

Seriously, to be 30 (something) in a great city. Who knows? Maybe I'll leave BF and really get a good blog going. Exciting stories of dating in DC. (I'm sure there are probably already blogs out there like that).

Anyway, I'm off to go masterbate since I'm not really getting off with sex with the BF.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog, too funny. I love your sarcasm and rants with a touch of raunchiness thrown in, keep up the good work!