Thursday, October 8, 2009


Ok.. so here is my rant on finances. When I moved to a new city to be with my boyfriend I knew it was going to be hard adjusting and making new friends. The last time I tried this I was going away to college. When it proved to to be too tough or no not even too hard, just hard, I bailed and would visit my bf at his college which was 45 mins away. I did this for a year and a half and then I just transferred there. So now, when I am actually needing my people making skills, I am finding that I have them, but now the issue is I don't have money to do anything.

I can't begin to make friendships b/c I don't have money to do anything with anyone. I can't do HH with anyone. I can't go grab coffee. I can't get a bite to eat. I can't go shopping. I can't do anything. I don't want to complain to my bf b/c I don't want to burden him with any more of my issues. It's just really annoying.

I am so sick of not having money for so many reasons.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

TMI Tuesday

1. You can flip a switch that will wipe any band or musical artist out of existence. Which one will it be?
I guess I'm going to have to say the King of Leon. I cant' stand them and their music is everywhere and I can't get away from "use somebody."

2. You seem to be having an excellent day because you just came across a hundred-dollar bill on the sidewalk. Holy crap, a hundred bucks! How are you gonna spend it?
I'd take my baby (aka the boyfriend) out to dinner and then just randomly spend the rest on lunches or coffee. Not really all that exciting.

3. Rufus appears out of nowhere with a time-traveling phone booth. You can go anytime in the PAST. What time are you traveling to and what are you going to do when you get there?
Wow. This is honestly a tough one. I don't think I'd go back. Everything that is in the past has lead me to where I am today and I am very happy right now. I mean, I guess I'd travel back in time to when i was in college just so I could live carefree on $100 every 2 weeks and take lots of drugs and drink lots of beer and just have a good time. I'd be more outgoing I suppose. Maybe sleep around.

4. What is your favorite curse word?
Ummm.. Fuck. How is that not everyone's favorite curse word?

5. You have the opportunity to sleep with the movie celebrity of your choice. We are talking no-strings-attached sex and it can only happen once. Who is the lucky celebrity of your choice?
Megan Fox... or.... well I don't really think anyone in Hollywood is THAT hot. i don't really notice.

Bonus (as in optional):You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What's it gonna be?
I'd want the ability to make people Spontaneously shit themselves. Anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

TMI Tuesday

1. Have you ever shared sleeping accommodations with someone of the without anything steamy happening? (Opposite sex for breeders, same sex for homosexuals).
Oh Yeah. All the time in college. Some of my best friends are male and there really is no sexual chemistry. I mean, why waste the space in a queen sized bed?

2. Have you eve streaked, flashed, or otherwise partially or totally exposed yourself in public before (or after) an informal, unofficial gathering of people?
Oh yeah. I used to flash "the girls" all the time. It was a running joke with my friends. I'd always get on my friend Chris' shoulders and do it.
I was at a concert with my sister, her boyfriend and his two friends. We got separated and figured we'd meet up after. Well, I met up with my friend and sure enough, I got on his shoulders and flashed the crowd. My sister's boyfriend and friends saw it and that's how they found out where we were!

I think that I have really good breasts and I like to show them off. Well I did like to show them off. They stay hidden now. Now I just wear shirts that reveal my cleavage.. which is way more classy.

3. Have you had dates with multiple people in the same weekend (or consecutive nights or the same night) while not all of your dates were aware of your actions?

Not at all. I hardly date.

4. What is the most "romantic" you have ever gotten in a movie theater?
I've just really made out pretty heavily. Oh.. wait. In High School there was a boy that went down my pants. That didn't really go well. I believe my pants were way too tight.

5. Have you ever had sex when you knew a non-participating adult was watching?

Not that I know of, but I would totally do it. The thought of someone else watching me totally turns me on. Now, don't get it twisted. I don't want to be swingers. No one is having sex with my man as I watch.

Bonus (as in optional): If you could say anything you wanted anonymously to anyone, without identifying that person, what would you say?
I don't know. I guess I just keep stuff to myself or I say it to someone. Anything that I have to say, I've said or it doesn't really matter. I am also not one to kick someone when they are down so I won't say what I'd like to say to my ex best friend.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Random Thought

On my way into work today, i was hit by a large woman's arm. Like... I don't get why large/heavy women need to swing their arms so wildly to give them momentum to walk. But I really don't get why this woman hit me and then said something under her breath about me. Like it was my fault that she hit me. She's lucky i was still sleepy.

TMI Tuesday #203

So I'm guessing I should give really good answers.

1) If you were to only live until the age of 50, how would you live your life differently?
Well I guess I would travel. There is so many places that I want to see and so many cultures still left to explore that I would do that. I find myself saying, "I will get there.... someday." I'd make that someday happen.

2) Are you settling in your job/career?
I was. I hated my last job and that's why I was only there for about a month and then I just told them that I wasn't going to come back. It was dreadful. The first day I was there I got a badge and then I was just sat at a desk and no one showed me anything. No one talked to me. I didn't do anything. I was working in a hospital so I started to read the physicians book about where they all went to school and their specialties. It was awful.
I do think that there is a time when you do need to really prove yourself at your job so yes, you'll get shitty tasks to do, but there needs to be an end goal. I am finally happy at a job with great co-workers and great bosses. Finally... at 31.

3) Are you settling with your significant other?
Uggg... I think so. Currently I am, BUT (and it's a big but) it could be great if only he'd make some changes. He used to be a Jehovah's Witness, but his family converted when he was 10 so he was forced to change. He decided at 18 to leave that religion and his family behind. So now, he refuses to change. He says that if he doesn't see it as a problem, then he won't change.
For example. The way that he speaks to me and to everyone in general. It's the way in which he words his sentences and his tone of voice. It takes on an air of superiority. I also can't tell when he's joking or kidding around. His tone of voice doesn't change.
I really want him to work on it, but if he won't then I don't know what to do. I love him, but I won't stay if I feel that I am the one changing to benefit the relationship. Right now it's going well, but it could be better.
So.. to make a short story long... yes I am settling, but there is the potential for growth.
That's kinda sad though. To wait for someone to change b/c there is potential for him to be awesome. I just want a partner. I just want to feel that I have someone on my side. A partner. That's what I want.

4) How important is your family?

My family is so important to me. I am the youngest of three girls and I am the scrappy one. I will kick anyone's ass that messes with my sisters or my family. My mom used to tell us that "we were the best present that they gave us." Meaning, my sister's were the best present that my parent's gave us. I didn't agree back then, but now I do. I am very close to my whole family.

5) If you caught a neighbor peeping in at you while you were naked or having sex, would you close the blinds? (assuming you live in a city and can see into other buildings).
Ummm.. hell yeah. I'd be totally ok with it and even put on a bigger show for them.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Ok.. so I think I am stuck in a dating "rock and a hard place." I have this man, that i think I love, but really, he's not right for me. I know this. So do you stay with him b/c right now, it's ok, or do you leave because it's not right and you know it's not right?

Here is some background. I moved to DC from about 2 hours away, so it's not a huge drive to get back home. I just don't want to go there. I just started a job and got my first half of a paycheck so I don't have any money saved up. I have a friend that just bought a house, kinda far away, in VA and I'm pretty sure I can rent a room from him.

This man has said to me, point blank, "I am not going to change. I won't change until I think/feel that this is a problem." Ummm.. ok. WTF?

Then again, we did have some pretty good sex last night. Pretty good, but not excellent. I just feel that there is someone out there for me that I can share a partnership with. Right now, no partnership.

Seriously, to be 30 (something) in a great city. Who knows? Maybe I'll leave BF and really get a good blog going. Exciting stories of dating in DC. (I'm sure there are probably already blogs out there like that).

Anyway, I'm off to go masterbate since I'm not really getting off with sex with the BF.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

TMI Tuesday #202

1. If you could have monumental sex where would it be (i.e. on Lincoln's lap, the stairwell of the Statute of Liberty)?
Monumental Sex? I have had monumental sex.... oh.. like national monument or something. Since I live in DC there are numerous places that I could do it on. I'd say though, one of the trolley cars in San Francisco. That way, as we rolled on through the city, we'd give everyone a great show.

2. Have you ever "played" with your food (i.e. a blowjob under booth #9 at Denny's, finger banging by candlelight at Spago)?
Ummm.. Not that I can really remember. I know I've rubbed on him and what not, but through his pants.

3. Have you ever had sex in motion (i.e. the lavatory on Virgin Air, the back seat of your Chevy Suburban)?
I love giving road head. Enough said.

4. Have you ever had sex worthy of a confessional (i.e. a stall in the church bathroom, on the desk in your boss's office)?
Not confession worthy by location, but by what went on behind the closed door.

5. Have you ever had sex under the stars (i.e. in the alley behind Scores Gentleman's Club, the roof of your South Beach condo)?
As a matter of fact, I have. Serveral times and several different people. the last time was with the bf and it was at night, on my parent's deck under the stars. However, it was cold and I was freezing and shivering the whole time. That was NOT fun.

Bonus: What's your favorite place (of all places) to have sex (i.e. The Bunny Ranch, Las Vegas)?
My bf and I did it in the bathtub with a window right next to us on the like 20th floor of a hotel in Downtown Philly. It was awesome. There are pictures... but none that I'll share.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

TMI Tuesday #201

1. Do you have "your" side of the bed? Which side?
Well I have a side I prefer, but I don't really care if I sleep on that side or not.

2. How old is your pillow and what condition is it in?
I need a firm, strong pillow. These pillow are about 4 months old. I don't replace them as often as I should. I also like to drive with a pillow on my lap to support my arms. Yeah, I'm lazy.

3. What is your favorite position to sleep in?

Ummm.. I'd like to sleep on my side with one leg bent and all the way up, towards my chest. I move around... a lot so it's not worth it for me cuddle of spoon. I'm ok with it for about 5 mins and then that's it. I have to move.

4. How often do you change your sheets?
Not as often as I should.

5. What helps you fall asleep when insomnia strikes?
Nothing. If it's late enough I just read or watch crappy tv that I don't have to pay attention to. If it's early, then I'll take an excedrine PM and two of those knock me out for a few hours.

6. Does sex make you sleepy or energized?

Depends on the kind/type of sex. If it's sex where I have to put out a lot of energy then sure. I short cat nap is great.

7. What is the minimum amount of sleep that you need to be functional the next day.

Well I need some sleep. So I'd say 4 hours is the minimum that I need to function. However, I'd like to get at least 6, but really prefer 7 hours. I need my sleep. I NEVER pulled an all nighter in college. It wasn't worth it.

Bonus (as in optional):Describe your most vivid dream.
Well the dream that I remember is being in a hotel and there was a tornado coming.
Then.. let's see. Just recently I dreamed that I was trying to get on a train and if left w/o me. Then I caught another one and it turned into a bus. I can't really remember dreams and apparently my dreams are not that awful that I do remember them. I guess they are not that good either.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Honestly, with my current boyfriend, he isn't what I signed up for. I think i want more and I dont' think he'll be able to give it to me. For right now it's great, but I don't see this as a lasting thing. I want it to be. I desperatly want it to be, but I don't think he's capable of giving me what I need.

what is is that I need? I need someone that is on par with me. Someone who likes to go out and do things socially as well as recreationally outside. (like walking places or jogging or biking). He isn't able to accept me for my different views on things. I guess maybe in his mind, he is able to do this, but to me, I end up feeling like I lost. When we talk about things and then it goes into discussions and then an argument, I always feel like I lost. I feel like it is me that is going to need to change since he is incapable of it.

He is incapable of it b/c he is satisfied in who he is. I do love that in him, but I wish he was able to at least compromise and try to see things from my view and try to even think about changing.

Also, the way that he talks. His tone of voice as well as how he words things makes him sound like a pompous ass. Someone that is trying to put me down. Although he swears up and down that he is not think that way, it's how it comes across to me. So I always feel like he's talking down to me and that makes me angry so I fight/strike back.

I just don't know if this a forever kind of thing. Is that wrong? Is it wrong to be with someone that you know isn't a forever if it's ok for right now? I have to deal with that every day. For now it's ok. Who knows what tomorrow or next month or next year is going to bring.


Remember when you called me another woman's name? Yeah, I said I forgave you, but I don't know if I can. It hurt me and I still remember it and I remember the name. You called me Mandy. That's my sister's name. I am not 100% sure it was that name, but regardless it ended in a "y" sound. I don't think i can forget.

TMI Tuesday #200!!!

1. What is the longest you have been in a monogamous sexual relationship? [For the purpose of this question monogamous is defined as no sexual partners that your significant other does (did) not know about.]
12 years. I was with my HS sweetheart and then we got married. And then it didn't last.

2. If your current relationship would fail, do you have a back-up for physical or emotional comfort?
I do and I don't. I have friends and family that I know I could count on. No one really thinks that the relationship that you are in is going to fail so I think it's bad Karma to think badly about the relationship.
However, with that said, you should always have a plan B in the back of your mind. So I guess that contridicts what I said above.

3. Can you be "just friends" with someone when there is an unrequited sexual attraction?
I think that I could "just be friends" with someone that had a thing for me. Could I be "just friends" with someone that I have a thing for? No. I can't. I know that I am an emotional woman and I get wrapped up into things way too easily.

4. In a assumed monogamous sexual relationship have you ever cheated, been cheated upon or been a knowing third party to the infidelity? [For the purpose of this question monogamous is defined as no sexual partners that a significant other does (did) not know about.]

I basically started the relationship with my current boyfriend while still living with my ex. I don't think that I cheated, but the ex may think differently. I never cheated on the ex the entire time in college, through when he enlisted and even when I was going out and he wasn't. The ex used to travel a lot and I honestly, with my entire being, don't think he ever cheated on em.
As for the knowing party to infidelity? yes! It was a HUGE mess. I had two sets of friends. Couple A was in their 40's and were together for 7 years. They lived next to us. Us were my ex and I and another couple. Couple B. Well woman from couple A and man from Couple B were cheating. It all came out at my house on New Year's Eve. It was awful. I should have kicked the Bitch out of my house from Couple A. She had it coming.

5. Historically, what has caused the most arguments in your relationships?
Bonus (as in optional):What do you want from a partner in a long term relationship?

My current boyfriend and I are totally opposites. I mean that. He likes coke and I like pepsi. I like onions and he only likes them raw. He likes sushi and I don't. It could go on and on and on. However, politics is the main source of our arguments. We have come up with the Brushemi clause though. If we are fighting and know it's not going to end well, then we bust out "Brushemi" and then we walk away.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

TMI Tuesday #198

TMI Tuesday #198 - Relationships

1. Family is _Essential and I could not dream of living without my parents and sisters. My mom always told us that we were the best gift they could have ever given us. We didn't believe that back in the day, but now, it rings true.

2. Friends are _people who will tell you an idea is stupid and then support you anyway. They are people that you can bitch to and it's ok.____.

3. Exes are good _for stories? I only really have one ex that matters and we are still friends.

4. Strangers _all have stories. Everyone is someone's daughter or sister or mother and I try not to yell at older people even when they do things that piss me off____.

5. Relationships _suck___ when _you are the only one working at it.

Bonus: Tell us about your first love: My first love was someone that I grew up with in the neighborhood. His name is Matt. *sigh* He is 3 years older then I am. Tall, skinny and he was like "everything" to me at the time. I fought for him hard core. I decided that I wanted him and that was that. I didn't stop until he asked me to Prom.... a week before. He was my first. Get this line I used to get him to sleep with me... We were in FL with his family for a vacation and we would stay up late and then go to the beach in the days. Well, I couldn't sleep and I went down and said to him, "I can't sleep. Do you have anything to put me to sleep?" Yeah. That line. IT totally worked though!!!
Anyway.. so our love affair was like a year long or something. maybe not even that long. He went to college and I was still in HS. I had glasses and braces and well, he was in college. He didn't want to be seen with me. He went away and I never visited him once b/c he didn't let me or really didn't want me. His grandfather passed away and he was home for the funeral and such and said he'd call. He never called. So that was that. He broke up with me by never talking to me again.
We used to hang out and play all the time growing up. It took me three years to be able to talk to him again. We were friends again and then he went and cheated with the next door neighbor who is way older and now they are married. Fun!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

TMI Tuesday #197

TMI Tuesday #197 - Nonsexual Edition
from TMI Tuesday by Professor Fate

1. The three words that best describe you are TALL, FUNNY, and LOYAL.

2. The three words that best describe your life are ELITE, FABULOUS and JOBLESS.

3. Your three guilty pleasures are REALITY TV.. that's it. Isn't that sad?

4. The three places you would like to visit before you die are BORA BORA, ITALY AND MALDIVE ISLANDS.

5. The three things you would like to do before you die are MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE, SKYDIVE, MORE SCUBA ADVENTURES.

Bonus (as in optional):If you were making Chris Milk's video "Last Day Dream" (below) what three to five flashes would be your life so far?

1- Me swimming. It was such a part of my life. Maybe me as a little girl swimming
2- Me in college smoking and getting high and basically partying it up
3- My time with the STB Ex husband and having him enlist
4- Me getting "married"
5- Me moving to a "big city" aka DC

Things changing

Well I am now living in Washington DC with my boyfriend, Pablo. Let's see, him and I are actually really different people. I am to the right of moderate and he is pretty liberal. His job involves government work, but hey, it's DC. A lot of people work for or with or about the Government so he is so into it. So he knows a lot. We recently had a discussion about Obama's health care reform. I am against it. He is for it. It basically got into a heated argument and he said to me that if we weren't already dating, that we would have just broken up.

It's weird. In past relationships I have loved someone completely. I miss when they are gone and I look forward to being with them. I look forward to doing things with them. With Pablo in the beginning, I would see him like twice a month for two weekends. So we would just be into each other. We would cuddle for an entire day. We wouldn't get out of bed but to use the restroom or get something to eat. Now that we live together, it's his life and it's my life and that takes over 85% of "our" lives.

Pablo is really trying to push me to be this independent person who doesn't NEED anyone but myself. This is a contradiction for me. I am a very independent person and i will do everything on my own if I can. That means, not asking for help and doing it myself, but I've always been a "huggy" kinda gal and I need to feel important and loved. I am lacking in that with Pablo.

I know that he loves me. I know I am important to him. If I bring this up, he feels that he doesn't want to be "the thing" in my life. Isn't that what a partner is supposed to be? I guess we all have a definition of what a partner means. I guess we all have a definition of what we want in life. I want to have a career. Not a job. I want to have family and friends that love me and make me laugh. I want to live in a nice place and I want to have a partner.

to me a partner is someone that you can walk beside and do fun things with. Someone that I can have an adventure with. Someone that lifts me up when I am down. Someone that loves me for who I am and appreciates it. Wow. I guess things do change over time. I don't want someone to support me financially (although since I don't have a job, Pablo is) but just be there for me. I want to feel wanted. I want to feel loved and right now, I only get that about 50% of the time.

I need to find that"wanted" feeling from Pablo or I'm afraid I'm not going to make it in this relationship. I'll figure out that I can be independent and that I don't need someone that doesn't give me enough of what I need.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

TMI Tuesday

1. What do you think is the un-sexiest part of the body?
Hmmm... ear hair and nose hair I'd say. I know that it happens when you get older, but please, realize it and take care of it. Thanks.

2. Toilet paper: over, under, or what the hell are you talking about?
I am pretty insistent about it being over. I used to change my best friend's toilet paper when I'd go to her house.

3. Have you ever called in sick to stay in bed with a sexual partner?
Hmmm.. not sure, but I'd have to say yes. I'm assuming this b/c I love sex with Michael and I'd call off, if I had the time, to stay in bed and have sex with him all day.

4. Did your parents have a "birds & bees" talk with you? Id [wow, that's kind of a Freudian slip...I'm leaving it uncorrected] so, at what age?

They did not. I pretty much found out on my own, at 15, and then from friends. If I have children, which I doubt I will, I will talk to them openly and honestly about sex. It's not something to be scared of of frightened about, but you need to know certain things and how to protect yourself.

5. What is one thing someone could do to you to rock your world?

Rock my world? Is this said that pay my bills came to mind? I mean seriously, if someone were to pay my bills for say 2 months, I'd be much better off. Actually, Michael has done some many nice things for me. I think that's all it takes. Do something to let me know that you are thinking about me when I am in a totally tough situation.

Or, take me out to eat, then to a nice hotel with a jucuzzi tub and let's fuck like bunnies then order room service in the morning.

Bonus (as in optional):What does sex mean to you?
Wow. What does sex mean to me? It means a connection that I have between myself and another person. Weather it's for a night or for months and years. I love that connection. Looking into the other person's eyes and knowing that you are giving them pleasure as you are taking pleasure. I love the sweat with sex too. I mean, not too much, but enough to let me know we are both working at this. The release you get when you get off is insane. I love looking into his eyes when he does. I love the sounds that he makes.
Sex is like a freedom for me. Freedom from everything. I dont' worry about anything. I just enjoy and that's awesome.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Questions..... always questions

Why, when you have one thing figured out, or you think you do, and then something, some little nugget of something that has been implanted in your brain acts up and causes you to have crazy thoughts and to have emotions that you just can't control? I have a great man. He loves me. He takes care of me. Am I forcing it? Am I forcing myself to feel that this is right? I am about to move to Washington DC to be with him and to start a new life. Am I a fool? I love him I do. I just think that I need to get some things off of my chest and then we can go from there.

*He had said previously to me "you don't mind if I still flirt right?"
I mean, I should be strong enough to know who I am and that he loves me. I know this. Flirt? I mean, I know people do it. I think I was just more stupified by him asking. I guess that's better then me finding out about it. He means online. He has friends that he has had "things" with online and in person. He wants to continue those friendships and some of them are flirty. I guess, most people do the flirting and their significant other doesn't find out. This time he actually comes out and tells me that he wants to flirt. Is that any better then doing it behind my back? I honestly, just don't know. I do believe that I need to talk to him about this and just get it out on the table.

*He has been super busy before. Especially around the election. He actually was very busy for months prior to the election. I hardly talked to him and basically he knew that I was available and he could contact me when he wanted. It's just that he never did. That severely hurt me. Hurt me to the core. He could have, while on the toilet or walking somewhere or just 30 seconds free he could have texted. He just didn't. So today, I haven't heard from him and I just wanted to make sure that he was shot or stabbed somewhere. He texted me back that he was super busy. Which, again, is totally fine. Just a quick hello would have been fine. Yet nothing. Then I get an e-mail from him telling me that he loves me and can't wait to see me and how he was talking me up to Celeste b/c she was having relationship questions. Ummm.... he can talk to her through out the day, but he can't send me a text? I just think that's bunk.

*I don't like how I feel that I am always the one doing the changes for him. Like my temper. I have an awful one. Awful. It's awful. I know that I need just a couple of minutes to be very angry and then I can be very rational and I can talk about why I'm angry and what lead me to that and then we can work on that. However, Michael can not deal with that. He has to work things out right then and there. Why is it that I have to change? I mean, I can totally try and work with him to make things better, but I mean, why is it that I have to change?

I just really need to talk to him about this. It just never seems to be a good time. Like I'd liek to talk to him about it tonight. I need to ask him and talk to him about things before I move in with him. I don't want to lead him on. I don't want to sacrifice myself either.

Well see where this goes. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

TMI Tuesday

1. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
I'm going with Rocknrolla which, honestly, I really enjoyed. I love British movies like that and esp movies by Guy Ritchie. Why Guy Ritchie? Because then he can get money and that stupid bitch Madonna won't get it.

2. What is your favorite movie theater snack?
I love anything gummy or chewing (insert joke here), but just give me movie theater butter popcorn and a soda and I'm totally a happy girl.

3. Have you ever snuck in 'outside' food into a theater?
Who hasn't? I think that's just a way of life. I haven't done it recently though. Maybe I should and it'll bring back my stealing side.

4. Have you ever made out in a theater?
No not even in High School. I think well, it's kind of tacky to make out in a theater crowded with people. Now if there are just like 10 or so scattered people, sure. Make it happen.

5. What is the 'farthest' you have gone in a theater?
Well this one redneck dude that my friend tried to set me up with in like 9th grade tried to go down my pants. I was like "umm.. hellll naw" I don't think so douche. I think he was too short and his arms too short oh and my pants too tight for him to try anything.

Bonus (as in optional): What is one of your favorite movie sex scene?

Ummm.. I honestly don't remember. So I'm thinking if I don't remember that ones that I was like, "oh that's hot" were not that memorable.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


All I have to say is, I love this man. I really do. I know that we butt heads on a few things, mostly political views, but seriously, I will fight to keep whatever it is that we have, around. Whatever spark (and I hate that word) is here, I will not let it go out. However, I am not the only one in this so I know it's not just up to me. Note to any of my friends that read this, don't invite us to spend the night anywhere b/c we will have sex somewhere in your house.

On friday night, we had sex on the couch downstairs in my cousin's house. Her one roommate was up and down all night going around into the kitchen. I wouldn't have cared if he had walked in on us. I just don't give a shit. Our sex life is that spectacular.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration 2009!!!

So I decided that since Al Gore is in DC and that's where the inauguration.. the historic inauguration is going to be held, that I wanted to be there. They were saying that upwards of 4 million people could be there. Al and I think AT LEAST 2 million. So, here is a re-cap of my weekend.

Friday: I drove out to Philly to meet Al and to go see Adele at the Theater of the Living Arts. The venue was pretty cool. It was an old movie theater and the downstairs part was sloped. There was a balcony and all around the left side and the back. That's where Al and I were. Adele is amazing. She is just so normal with an amazing voice. It's so soulful. We had a great time there. It was really really really cold though. I think we only walked 3(ish) blocks to my car and that sucked.

We then spend Friday night and Saturday at my cousin and her boyfriend's house. It was fine. They have a 4 bedroom house and they have two roommates. They have 2 dogs and 3 cats. Al and I were supposed to sleep up in their room and we just couldn't do it. We went into their bedroom and there were 2 cats in there. We just looked at the cats and were like.. Ummm.. yeah. No we'll sleep downstairs.

Well let's just say that I didn't sleep a whole lot that night. the couch was pretty uncomfortable. So we drove home on Sat. but stopped at the King of Prussia mall. We found this amazing coat. It was a Ralph Lauren, black coat that looked AMAZING on me. I wanted it so badly, but I didn't want to spend the money on it. However, it looked so good on me that Al bought if for me. Ok.. you know what? Al Gore and I are officialy a thing so you knkow what? I'm going to call him by his first name. Michael.

Ok.. so Michael bought it for me and I love him for me. It was amazing looking and I can't wait to wear it to my interviews down in DC.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

TMI Tuesday!

1. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your sex life?
9. I don't think that you should ever be at a 10. I think you should constantly keep trying to make it better. This doesn't mean that every sexual encounter should be better than the last or that it HAS to be better. Just that you should make sure that your partner is satisfied and that most importantly, you are. I have met a man that does it for me. That satisfies my body and my mind.

2. If someone shoves you up against a wall while kissing you, your reaction is?

Well I think that's pretty hot honestly. That the passion is just so great that you need to shove me against a wall to be able to kiss me that hard. That's just hot.

3. What is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done or said to you?
Well, honestly, the ex actually drove from New Orleans all the way up to where we lived (13 hours I think) no maybe more.. let me google it real quick. Wow.. 17 hours. Ok so he drove 17 hours just so that he could be back with me and sleep in the same bed as me. I thought that was really sweet.

4. Where is the most unusual place you have ever had sex?

On my parent's sailboat. We were on top of the back part of the boat directly over top of where my father sleeps. It was hot.
We also had sex, outback of my parent's house (although they have a 7' high fence) by the pool in the hot sun. That was a big sweaty, awesome mess.

5. How do you liked to be kissed?
Ok, Al Gore and I just made out, while blazed, while listening to music. IT was sooooo hot. I love kissing. I think it is amazing and a very important way to connect. I like to be kissed every way, but like big and sloppy. Who wants that?

Bonus (as in optional):Most embarrassing sexual moment?
God... well I guess getting caught. Also, maybe "farting' during sex too. But like a vag fart. I know, I just don't like the word that people use to describe that act.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

People I want to be friends with

This is a list of celebrities that I want to be my friend.

1. Common
2. Tim Gunn
3. Mos Def

Happy Rant

Ok.. so really, I just posted that blog last night. Then Al Gore and I smoked a little and started to talk. He started to talk. Not so much me. Well it turns out that he actually can make a commitment. HOWEVER... he does not like the terms of boyfriend/girlfriend. He also had to make it very clear that he was never getting married. I also feel the same way. I don't think that I ever need to get married and we both do not want children. We have these amazing weekends and then go our own ways back to our own houses.

I'm drifting from the conversation. Anyway, he decided that we should move into his place. His lease is up in April and he has an awful roommate. We have an amazing time together and honestly, it freaked me the fuck out.

Here he was telling me, "you were asking me for commitment and here it is. This is what I can offer you." Honestly, I mean, I was just looking for him to call me his girlfriend and that I could call him my boyfriend. He just upped it a few notches by asking me to move in. He was like "this is what you want isn't it? isn't it?" It's really big of him to even do this b/c everyone that he has loved in the past has left him in one way or another. So I can't really call him my boyfriend, yet I'm going to be living with him?

I am really scared b/c honestly I wanted to do this anyway. I want to move. I want to be in a city. I am ready for this. I have a few things that I need to take care of though. I need to get divorced. How about that one?

So that's the update. I'm nervous about what my friends and family are going to say. I'm scared of what my parent's are going to say. I mean, I'm going to be less then 2 hours away and when they are in Annapolis we can always drive out to see them. I just think that they'll miss me. I'll miss seeing the kids, but maybe they can come down and spend a weekend with me.

Yeah. I think I have a boyfriend! I think I'm about ready to move. Life really is pretty great. Oh and he spend a few hours last night figuring out our finances and I think he's really underestimating what it's going to cost.

yeah. New chapter in my life.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Ok, I need to vent before I'm going to go insane. Al Gore is currently in the kitchen cooking us dinner. I am down at his place. So we go to Costco and then to Giant for dinner stuff well really food stuff for this weekend in general. So for some reason he starts into why he's not into commitment and how he has done it in the past and it hasn't worked out and then him and whomever go their separate ways and then never talk to each other and end up angry.

Ok.. WHAT THE FUCK!?! Him and I do everything together that a "couple" does. We stay over at each other's houses. We hold hands in public. We hold hands in the car. We kiss. HE SAYS HE LOVES ME! I say it back. We make plans for the future like weekend plans a few weeks ahead. We got each other Christmas gifts. He was with me over Thanksgiving and Christmas. He has called me his girlfriend to a couple of people including my sister.

What the fuck is his issue? Apparently he was able to commit to his last girlfriend and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that. The last girlfriend was just over a year ago. Like what the fuck? I am honestly, NO we are honestly fucking spectacular together.

I am about to go off so I had to write this. I'm sure I'm going to bring it up. As soon as that conversation was over I was all quiet. We had a hot dog at Costco and he says, "I think that hot dog messed us both up." Then he'll ask about "am I ok? Is everything alright? Are you alright?" No fuckface. I am not ok. I am about to dump your ass b/c you can't fucking commit. You can't see what a fucking wonderful couple we would make. But you know what? You won't know b/c it'll never happen. I'm about to leave and tell you to take your fucked up fear of commitment which apparently just shows up with me and go fuck yourself.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cute Things the Kids Say

My oldest sister has 3 kids. Currently they are 5, 6 and 7, but my oldest niece is going to be 8 in about 20 days. I decided that they are saying way too many cute things for me not to write them down to share with them later. So here it is. I will keep adding to it.

1/3/8: I get a call from my oldest niece, M.S.J.D (yes those are her initials) and she just wants to talk. She tells me that she isn't feeling well. That her head hurts, her arms, hurt, her legs hurt and her tummy hurts. Then she says something about wanting to talk to someone. I asked her where her brother and sister were and she said that her brother, the 6 year old, "well he's in Kindergarten so he won't understand what I'm saying."

Then I get my mom on the phone, grammy, and we are on a 3 way call with here. M.S.J.D. goes on to say that now her neck is starting to hurt so my mom and i think it's her glands. My mom tells her that she must just have a flu bug and M.S.J.D. goes, "well can I go get a shower and wash it off?" Awww.. so cute. She thinks flu bug is just that. A bug that you can get rid of. We explain that it's not a real bug and she goes "oh so it's inside of me?"

She is so dear.

2) This happened a while ago. I was picking M.S.J.D. up from her house and bringing her to my mom and dad's and we were talking in the car and she was so excited. My mom has a poodle named Lucile but we all call her Lucy. M.S.J.D was all excited and goes, "and we get to see Lucy the seal." So cute.

3) M.S.J.D. and my youngest niece, E.E.D. were helping me get ready in the morning for work and I wear tongs. I think it was E.E.D, but I'm not entirely sure, but she asked me why my "butt was eating my underwear" or maybe it was something like, "where's the rest of your panties?"

I know there have been a ton more and I can't remember them. I will write them down from now on though.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

TMI Tuesday

First TMI Tuesday of the year!! Yeah!

1. Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you dislike/don't get along with?
100% alone. I am ok being on my own. I'll talk to myself and answer back. My Nanna talked to herself and would always say, "at least I'm talking to High Society." I'd be just fine.

2. Would you rather accidentally walk in on your parents having sex or have them walk in on you?

I guess me walk in on them. I think if they walked in on me, they'd be horrified at the things that go on.

3. Would you rather be snapped by paparazzi during a nipple slip or while exiting a car with out any underwear?
Nipple slip for sure. I love my breasts and that includes my nipples. They are perfect!

4. Would you rather not have sex for two years or not be able to use the Internet for two years?
Well I have gone aprox 5 years having sex just once and that was ok. However, now that I'm getting sex and it's great sex, I wouldn't want to give that up. I'd have to honestly say, ouch... give up the internet.

5. Would you rather find true love or 1 million dollars?

Well honestly, since I think true love is a myth, then I'd go with a million dollars. How about a million dollars after taxes too. I think we have several people in our life that change us in a certain way are great loves, but not a true love.

Bonus (as in optional): If you had to choose *one* sexual position for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?
Good ol missionary. You could lay with your ass on a pillow or with your legs out to the side or up by his head.