Monday, August 4, 2008

Great Weekend

So... let's see... I drove down to see Al Gore on Friday night. We hung around his place for a little while and I don't know what it is, but when I first see him, since he is about 2 hrs away from me, I get all nervous and I don't know how to act. I just kind of lay there on his bed waiting for him to make the move to lay on the bed next to me. Truth be told, I sit there thinking how great his skin would feel on my skin and how wonderfully he smells. How I can't wait to rip his clothes off and have my ankles up by my ears as he's teasing me into grabbing his hips and making him finally thrust inside of me.

I digress. So I went to see Al Gore and then him and I went to see Bon Ivor. We go into this club and are all kinds of confused for a hot second. We didn't know where to go but we knew the show was not where we were. We got a drink and then wondered around. We also smoked so that could have added to the confusion. We get upstairs and the concert is not really my favorite type of music, but it was pretty good.

However, I got that stupid feeling again. I started to get all fidgety (is that a word?) and Al even commented about it. I just passed it off for being high. I knew what was coming. I got all kinds of sweaty and I told Al that I was going to the bathroom. I went to the bar and sat down and then had to jet to the bathroom. I was going to pass out. I got all tingly and I could just feel it. I went to the bathroom and stuff was closing off with my vision. The tunnel vision was happening. I was able to get into a bathroom just in time. I sat down and just put my head down and put ice on the back of neck and on my forehead. I finally started to feel better. Went back to see Al and had to apologize, but I basically said we needed to leave. He said he was ok with it, but it still makes me wonder if he wanted to stay? meh.... we left.

Got some snacks at 7-11 and then went back to his place where he smoked. I did not. That was the 2nd time I almost passed out in a week so yeah.. i'm going to keep some things on the downlow. Well we couldn't have sex. (again, more on that later) so well I just started touching and rubbing his stomach and sides and then of course I had to free him of his shorts and skivvies. Then all hell broke lose. I was rubbing him and then well, his dick looked so good that I had to go down and taste for myself. I swear to god, I could go down on this man forever and not feel tired. I know that we had to play this game for like 40 mins. I hope the blow job was good as I think it was and he says it was, but really, he's the only one that I have ever truly enjoyed doing it on. Sure there have been others that I have gone down on, but maybe like 2 people. So it's not a lot and I don't know exactly what I'm doing, but I'm learning.

Al and I will typically have sex about 4 times in a night.. including the early morning sex. So b/c I can't have sex, this was actually a very tough situation for us to be in. He did something, maybe went to the bathroom and then came back. I was laying on my stomach and he came and laid down on top of me with his dick on my ass cheeks. Now that is a hot feeling. Having this hard dick sliding on your ass crack. So basically, we couldn't have vaginal sex so we just had anal sex. Anal is not my favorite, but it's great to just throw in to spice things up. That was good and he came all over my back, again, fucking hot. Then he took a shower, I cleaned up and then we went to bed. It was really sad not waking up to this person fucking me, but alas, I survived.

More on my weekend later. I need to actually work.

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